New coach route for John Lennon Airport

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National Express (NX) has launched a new coach route serving Liverpool John Lennon Airport in a £1.5m investment creating 20 jobs.

The 24/7 service links Bradford, Leeds, Manchester Airport, Manchester, Liverpool city centre and Birkenhead to JLA, and will run 10 times a day at two hour intervals daily, apart from Christmas Day.

The operator says the service, which is a collaboration with Selwyns Travel, will provide 30,000 seats a month on six new coaches.

NX MD Andrew Cleaves said: “We think it is going to be a great service. A £1.90 ticket will take you from Birkenhead to the city centre or Liverpool JLA.”

It is NX’s first involvement with JLA in 10 years.

Mr Cleaves added: “We’re happy to be back. We think the airport has a great future. It has links with the city and it is possible to pass quickly through departures to the plane.”

Craig Richmond, CEO of Peel Airports, which includes Liverpool JLA, said: “We welcome this investment made by National Express to further improve our public transport links.”

Keith Blundell, Liverpool council’s head of tourism, said: “It is important to have easy connections in and out of the airport with the rest of the country. This move shows a great deal of faith on the part of National Express in Liverpool JLA, which is most encouraging.”