New route to Pool Meadow opened

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A new access into Coventry’s Pool Meadow Bus Station has been formally opened after being completed on time and on budget.

The work was funded by Centro and Coventry City Council. The project has also seen the introduction of an improved access to the coach park.

The coach drop-off and pick-up bays in White Street allow coach passengers easy access to the facilities in the station. They will also be in a good location for access to two of Coventry’s major tourist attractions – the cathedral and Transport Museum.

Phil Bateman Regional Manager, CPT West Midlands Region, told CBW: “The improvement of Pool Meadow and White Street Coach Station is a huge step forward. Here at the Regional CPT we welcome the partnership working between the City Council and Centro. Creating the right conditions and developing better facilities in the city, for bus & coach operators, will ultimately lead to more passengers, and even more trade for city businesses.

“It was just 12 short months ago that the CPT Awarded Coventry with its prestigious Coach Friendly City Award.

“I have in the last few weeks been encouraging Coventry to enter the IRU’s Global City Competition. The recent access work should contribute greatly towards the city making the decision to enter this internationally famous competition.”

For more information on Coach Parking in the refion visit