Transport Secretary Christopher Grayling, has appointed Claire Gilmore as the new Traffic Commissioner for Scotland. Following the retirement of the current Traffic Commissioner, Joan Aitken in February next year, Claire will then take up her post.

Claire is currently the Senior Investigating Officer in the office of the Commissioner for Ethical Standards in Public Life in Scotland. She is a lawyer, with substantial experience in regulatory litigation, and is also a qualified engineer.
Senior Traffic Commissioner, Richard Turfitt, said of the appointment: “I am delighted by the appointment of Claire Gilmore as the next Traffic Commissioner for Scotland. Claire was an outstanding candidate in a strong field.
The traffic commissioners look forward to welcoming Claire to the team in February.” He continued: “Transport is a key priority for Scotland. It supports a diverse range of industries and has a vital role in connecting people and places. That is why those involved in the operation of trucks, buses or coaches need a robust regulator; to keep the roads safe and make sure there is a level playing field for all.
“I am confident Claire will rise to this task and draw on her considerable experience to do so.”