North Wales Police team up with Arriva to tackle hate crime

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Over the last two months, Arriva and North Wales Police have worked in partnership with Bus Users UK to raise awareness of disability hate crime. Officers from the force’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Team and neighbourhood policing teams in the Denbighshire and Caernarfon areas spent time on local buses speaking with passengers about their experiences with hate crime.

PC Richard Fishlock from the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Team said: “North Wales Police are committed to supporting victims of hate crime which we do alongside our partners at Victim Support and other support services. We will do all we can to tackle offenders and offending behaviour. We take hate crime seriously and do everything in our power to ensure offenders are held accountable and brought to justice.”

Bus users were also given the chance to complete a short survey about their encounters with hate crime in their local area. This helpful feedback will be collated by senior officers in each area to help them better understand the impact hate crime is having and how best to tackle it. The initiative coincided with National Hate Crime Awareness Week, a week of action to encourage local authorities, partners and communities affected by hate crime to work together to put an end to it.