NovaBus invests insustainable future

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Volvo-owned NovaBus has announced further investments into its journey towards electromobility and the modernisation of its manufacturing facilities and processes. In support of the transformation project, the Government of Canada will make a financial contribution of $15 million toward a total investment of $184.8 million.

The investment includes the upgrade of the company’s Québec manufacturing facilities in Saint-Eustache and Saint-François-du-Lac and the introduction of innovative energy-efficient processes and digital technologies to increase operational efficiency. In addition, it will strengthen the company’s research and development abilities towards zero-emission buses. The plant modernisation phase began in the autumn of 2020 with the expansion of the Saint-François-du-Lac facility and the addition of manufacturing capability in the Saint-Eustache area.

“As we continue to safely restart our economy, it is important to do so in a strategic way and with a long-term vision. One of the ways to achieve this is by helping Canada and businesses here at home become world leaders in green transportation manufacturing. Nova Bus is a vital part of this journey toward electrification and a future marked by sustainable growth, dependable jobs and global leadership. Our government will continue to support businesses to ensure they can participate in the efforts toward a clean growth economy, including by investing in sustainable public transit and zero-emission vehicles,” said François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry.

“We are very proud to partner with the Canadian government in order to contribute to the innovative zero-emission vehicle manufacturing sector and help Canada to achieve its sustainability and greener economy targets,” continued Martin Lundstedt, CEO of the Volvo Group.

“We are thrilled to continue to invest in the modernisation of our facilities and to integrate new technological processes to produce buses that meet the needs of our customers and transit users,” added Ralph Acs, Senior Vice President, Region North America for Volvo Buses and President of Nova Bus.

NovaBus has received a contribution from the Canadian Government towards its $184m investment for the future. NOVABUS