National Express West Midlands (NXWM) has said it has now fitted new green technology into hundreds of its older buses.
It takes a team of two engineers around six hours to fit a filter and a Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) ‘trap’ with AdBlue injection to each bus.
When they’ve finished, the harmful emissions coming out of the exhaust are reduced by as much as 96%, bringing older diesels in line with more recent emissons standards.
NXWM Managing Director, Tom Stables, commented: “Travelling by bus is a much healthier way to move people around than using private cars. A bus engine is only four times bigger than a car engine but a bus can carry 75 people inside – taking about 50 cars off the road.
“We have nearly 1,600 buses operating in the West Midlands. We are working closely with bus manufacturers, central Government and Birmingham City Council to explore all the new technology that’s becoming available to make our vehicles even cleaner and greener.
“All the new buses we’ve bought for the last two years have had the greenest engines on the market.
“What with these new buses, and retrofitting the older ones, 60% of our fleet now operates to the two highest European emission standards – making the air in the West Midlands cleaner and healthier.”