On the road again

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Now express coach services have restarted in England and Wales, Richard Sharman investigates whether the demand is still there and how these operations have restarted

As we are the midst of what has been coined ‘the new normal,’ the express coach and commuter network has been cautiously restarting operations to test the water for demand.

A lot has happened since March this year when the coronavirus first started to take hold in the UK. My penultimate work visit pre-coronavirus was to York at the start of March. Unbeknown to me at the time, this visit would pretty much set the trend for the next five months.

At the time of this visit there had already been some coronavirus cases broadcast on the news in York, and whilst things seemed to be pretty normal at this point – with tourists starting to return for the season and express coach services busy – you could not buy hand wash or hand gel for love nor money! Returning home I thought the trip was a strange experience but carried on as normal as, back home, there were no issues with any supplies.

Passengers await to board a megabus service in Bristol on 3 July, with the driver wearing full PPE. RICHARD SHARMAN

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