On the road with EVM

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EVM has been taking the Visigo out to show potential customers around the country. EVM

Jonathan Welch catches up with EVM’s Sam Prothero, who has been out on the road showing off one of EVM’s coach products to operators across the country, from Bude to Buckie

It’s not too long ago that I was at EVM UK’s premises in West Sussex to test drive the Karsan e-JEST electric minibus. It doesn’t feel like much longer ago, though it was, that CBW was there to have a look at the company’s new coach products in the form of the AOS Isuzu Grand Toro and Visigo midicoaches, a pairing which took EVM out of the van-derived segment and into the coach-built vehicle market for the first time.

The products have been well received on the market so far, and to provide a focus on that segment towards the end of last year EVM took on a well-known name in the industry, Sam Prothero, in a new national AOS Isuzu Coach Specialist role. Sam spends a lot of time out on the road, visiting operators across the country and showing off the product. We caught up with him in Birmingham for a chat during his recent travels, which have taken him the length of Britain.


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