The 2022 Commonwealth Games are heading for Birmingham and the WMCA is looking for feedback from residents and businesses
A draft strategic transport plan for the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games has been approved by the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) which outlines how the region will cope with the increased demands on its transport network during the event. Over the next 12 weeks, until Friday 6 December, feedback is being sought from residents and businesses across the West Midlands.

Andy Street, the Mayor of the West Midlands, said: “It is imperative that people across the West Midlands are aware of what is going on and what proposed changes are taking place, so I would encourage anyone who lives, works or travels in the region to read this plan and sign up to make sure they are kept up to date. We welcome all feedback, and with your help we can make the Commonwealth Games the best it can be.”
Councillor Ian Ward, WMCA Portfolio Holder for Transport and leader of Birmingham City Council, said: “Planning an event of this scale takes many years, so it’s important we get views on our plans from the beginning, to make sure we get it right for everyone. Our aim to make sure every athlete and spectator arrives at each of the venues in plenty of time and everyone who needs to travel around the West Midlands can. The Games will be a wonderful celebration of the West Midlands, and we want to make sure transport enables everyone to enjoy the Games. Now is the chance to have your say on the principles the transport plan is based upon.”
TfWM, WMCA’s transport arm, is seeking opinions on the five principles the plan is built around, which are:
Clean and green; public transport, walking and cycling will be the easiest and most effective way to get around during the Games, which will help to reduce congestion and contribute to improved air quality.
Safe, secure, reliable and efficient transport. Athletes, Games officials and media and will be able to get to where they need to go on time, and everyday users of the transport network can continue to travel around the region safely.
Minimising disruption. The impact of the Games on the transport network will be minimised to ensure residents can get to work on time, businesses can make and receive deliveries and the region remains open for business.
Long term benefits. Birmingham 2022 will be a catalyst for delivering transport projects such as the first phase of Sprint and improved rail stations. The benefits of the Games will be maximised to make sure the effects are long lasting, like encouraging more walking and cycling, so that the region can benefit for years to come.
Access for all. Public transport will be easy to use, affordable and accessible across all modes so that everyone is able to take part and enjoy the experience of the Games.
Residents and businesses are also being asked how they would like to be kept up to date as plans develop and how they want to be informed of changes to transport when the Games begin.
Events are being held across the region; for full details of dates and times see the TfWM website at