Paris to test Solaris Urbino electric

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FRANCE Solaris Bus & Coach and Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens, (RATP) have signed a contract for the delivery of an Urbino 12 electric which will be tested on the French capital’s streets for a number of months.

The vehicle will be equipped with a 240 kWh battery and a plug-in charging system. Solaris will provide the operator with external 80 kW charging station.

The contract stipulates that the bus will be presented to the general public at the COP21 United Nations Climate Change conference to be held between November 30 and December 11 in Paris. Afterwards it will operate on routes 21 and 147.

The Parisian operator’s objective, supported by Greater Paris transport authority STIF, is to give up traditionally diesel powered engines and make the whole city fleet zero-emission by 2025. The new Solaris Urbino electric bus is an interesting proposal for RATP and may be helpful in achieving that goal.

“We are much satisfied with the possibility to test the Solaris battery bus and the new technology it is fitted with,” said Marie-Claude Dupuis, Director of the Bus Department in RATP. “The experience gained during test drives will help us to consolidate our plans within our Bus 2025 programme.”

Said Dr. Andreas Strecker, CEO of Solaris Bus & Coach: “The cooperation with RATP, including the test rides of the new Urbino 12 electric, is undoubtedly a challenge. Our new battery bus will show its best side on the Parisian streets. The new Urbino is a vehicle fitted with plenty of innovative developments such as a third generation electric axle and a new, lighter bodyframe. Its pleasant and comfortable interior, not to mention its extraordinary design, will surely make a good impression.”