Yutong importer Pelican Bus & Coach is to hold a Scottish roadshow to demonstrate its TCe12 electric coach. The demonstration follows the recent announcement of Phase 2 of the Scottish Government’s zero-emission funding, which has already helped to introduce electric vehicles around the country, including similar coaches with inter-city operator Ember.
Funding for ScotZEB Phase 2 will be available to a wider range of bodies and will support the acquisition of zero-emission buses and coaches for the first time to applications including home to school and community transport, and private hire coaches.
Head of Yutong Sales at Pelican Ian Downie commented “For the first time, Government zero-emission funding has been made available to the wider segments of the bus and coach industry. These segments, such as coaches and community-based transport, play a vital role in transporting people to their destinations. The Scottish Government should be applauded in recognising and supporting these segments in transitioning to zero-emission vehicles.
“With over 150 zero-emission vehicles on the Scottish roads by April 2023, including the only zero-emission coach available in the UK, we look forward to partnering and collaborating with all potential bidders.”
Coach Sales Manager Simon Collins added: “We are proud to be able to demonstrate the only zero-emission coach available in the UK.
It is already seeing extensive operation in Scotland, and we look forward to introducing it to other Scottish operators.”
The first two dates for the roadshow are 20 June from 1000hrs at Ingliston Country Club, Bishopton and 27 June from 0900hrs at the Dakota Hotel, Queensferry.