IT provider to develop the required booking and planning platform for German city
GERMANY There is currently a good deal of discussion worldwide about new mobility concepts and integrating all public transportation services. Karlsruhe in Germany is well on the way with a flagship project launched last December called RegioMOVE.
The plan is for as many of the mobility services in the Karlsruhe Technology Region as possible, ranging from bike rentals to bus and rail connections, to be integrated in the future. For this to happen, all providers must be brought together on a single planning and booking platform. This is being developed by INIT a worldwide supplier of IT solutions for public transport. Various available mobility services will be pooled at a number of mobility hubs, referred to as ports, in the coming years. In the future, passengers will be able to switch between different modes of transport easily at these ports, which will be in selected locations. The location and need assessment process is already underway. The next step will be to develop the IT infrastructure for the required booking and planning platform and to devise a comprehensive concept for the various tariffs and contracts within the mobility network.
INIT will draw on its expertese as a provider of planning, dispatching, telematics and ticketing solutions. Thanks to its open system architecture and multi-client capability, its back-office ticketing system MOBILEvario is able to support multiple different companies, sales channels and ticketing forms.
INIT uses open application programming interfaces that allow seamless integration of the data and systems from different partners. This is important to the success of RegioMOVE because the different modules of the individual mobility providers must all be incorporated.
Other companies and institutions working under the umbrella of the Karlsruhe Technology Region as part of RegioMOVE are Karlsruher Verkehrsverbund (KVV), the Regionalverband Mittlerer Oberrhein (RVMO), the KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, the FZI (Forschungszentrum Informatik), raumobil GmbH, the PTV Group, stadtmobil CarSharing, the City of Karlsruhe, and the District of Rastatt.
“Mobility concepts made in Karlsruhe are in high demand all over the world,” said INIT CEO, Jürgen Greschner. “The pool of in-depth expertise from research, industry, and transportation companies, combined with the support of political bodies, has created a unique ecosystem for mobility innovation. These form the ideal foundations for RegioMOVE. This flagship project will substantially influence not only the future of mobility in our country, but far beyond.”
The total costs associated with the RegioMOVE project amount to approximately €6.6m. The state of Baden-Württemberg and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) are altogether contributing around €4.9m of financing towards the RegioMOVE project.