Shadow Transport Secretary visits Mellor factory

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Rochdale-based manufacturer Mellor welcomed the Shadow Secretary of State for Transport Jim McMahon to its production facility recently. As part of a campaign to ensure that Government is held to account on its promises around zero-emission bus funding, Mellor invited the Shadow Transport Secretary to tour its manufacturing facilities and experience its all-electric Orion-E bus.

The manufacturer said that Labour’s ‘Make it in Britain’ campaign highlights that of 4,000 zero emission buses promised by Government 18 months ago, it has only made funding commitments for 500 vehicles so far. However, it pointed out that no funding is available for manufacturers of buses with a capacity of less than 23 passengers, giving local authorities less choice when it comes to investing in more efficient, size and cost-appropriate vehicles – an issue that Mellor calls ‘big bus bias’. Shadow Transport Minister Sam Tarry voiced his concern about ‘big bus bias’ by raising the issue in the House of Commons earlier this year.

Bus Division Managing Director, Mark Clissett, said: “We were delighted to welcome the Rt. Hon. Jim McMahon to our manufacturing facility in Rochdale. The Shadow Secretary of State for Transport and his colleagues have been highly supportive in our campaign against Government’s ‘big bus bias’ and continue to be a strong voice in ensuring all areas of society can benefit from zero-emissions, size-appropriate buses.”

Shadow Secretary of State for Transport, Jim McMahon MP (left), with Mellor’s Bus Division Managing Director, Mark Clissett (centre) and General Manager, Morgan Clissett (right). MELLOR