Paul Webb, the owner of this recently restored ex-Shearings Van Hool Alizée-bodied Volvo B10M, tells Peter Jackson the unbelievable story of how he came to acquire it, its subsequent restoration and how he ended up at the front of the first Honk for Hope protest in London
P306 VWR is certainly a special coach. As a freshly-repainted and remarkably well preserved example of one of the most celebrated coaches of all time – the Van Hool Alizée-bodied Volvo B10M – it stands on its own as a vehicle worthy of inclusion in CBW. However, this isn’t just any B10M, and wasn’t bought by a die-hard enthusiast specifically for preservation like you might expect. In fact, the tale of this vehicle’s life and Paul’s acquisition of it is anything but conventional.
“I was driving Volvo B10Ms when they were quite new, at the same time as owning an old Bristol and an old London bus,” he began. “Then my daughter came along, so I stopped driving buses as a hobby and concentrated on my day job as a train driver instructor – I worked in the rail industry for 43 years.
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