Sheffield devolution deal goes to public consultation

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Consultation is open until the end of July this year and will inform bus service changes due to be implemented by October 31

Sheffield City Region’s (SCR) devolution deal has gone to public consultation.

SCR’s devolution deal passed a range of local public transport and investment powers and responsibilities from Government to local authority and business leaders in 2014.

The deal’s public transport commitments include delivering improvements to local bus services by developing an integrated bus network that meets the needs of a growing economy and is financially sustainable for fare payers, the taxpayer and bus operators.

The plans build on the success of the Sheffield Bus Partnership – a voluntary agreement between Sheffield City Council (SCC), South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive (SYPTE) and bus operators First South Yorkshire, Stagecoach in Sheffield and Sheffield Community Transport. Proposals developed by the partnership include:

  • Improved key routes into the city centre to remove excess services, keep traffic flowing, aid faster bus journey times and minimise congestion and pollution;
  • Reinvestment of services to improve access to employment and training sites and other public transport modes;
  • A simple, affordable commercial fare structure and inter-operable smart ticketing scheme; and
  • Real-time information improvements across South Yorkshire.

Public consultation on Sheffield’s bus routes takes place until Friday, July 31, 2015 online at