Skylink Derby launches UK’s first tap-on tap-off contactless

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Kinchbus has launched what it’s describing as the UK’s first ‘truly tap-on tap-off’ contactless system on its Skylink Derby service.

Developed by Ticketer, unlike previous contactless systems – which charge a flat fare regardless of how long each passenger remains on the bus – this new system means that passengers no longer need to tell the driver where they’d like to go.

Instead, they simply tap-on when they board and tap-off when they leave the bus, removing the need for the driver to process the payment.

All of the customers’ contactless payments will then be processed overnight, with each passenger being charged the best possible fare for each journey.

Customers will also be able to set day and 28-day caps which will limit their travel costs.

Those wishing to pay by cash or traditional contactless payments will still be able to do so.

Kinchbus is trialling the system on Skylink Derby before considering a full roll-out, and welcomes customer feedback.

Managing Director Jeff Counsell said: “We’ve been pioneering advances in bus transport for decades, so it is with great pride and a lot of excitement that we are again bringing our customers the future first.

“It’s important to stress that we are not taking away other methods of payment. We are adding to the choices available to our customers. They can still travel in their usual ways, but now with the option to travel contactless.

“With more people increasingly comfortable paying contactless in their day to day spending, at the shops, the pub, the petrol station and café, we hope tapping on and off as they get on and off the bus will become second nature.”