Slough bus station to partially re-open after fire

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Slough bus station is set to become operational again, reports Berkshire Live, just a few months after a major fire which broke out in the early hours of 29 October, damaging the building and a number of parked buses.

Following the fire, Thames Valley Police launched an arson investigation, as a result of which an 18-year-old male was arrested and subsequently released on bail. Slough Borough Council has now partially re-opened the facility for bus parking, and has brought together operators, designers, planners, and insurers to plan a revitalised, renovated and restored bus station. The building has been made safe but it is reported that more work will be needed before it can be opened for passenger use, and although the main part had suffered minimal damage, it was deemed unusable due to water damage and other issues. Work is ongoing to re-open the offices, drivers’ restrooms and shop. More significant work will be needed on the part of the structire directly affected by the fire, the council said, which has damage to the overhead structure and the bus stops beneath.

The station remains closed, with buses using temporary stopping points nearby. Councillor Mohammed Nazir, lead member for transport and the local environment at Slough Borough Council, explained: “The new group we have set up includes not only the bus companies but designers; all of whom bring expertise on the building itself but also on the operational efficiency of any proposals which come forward. Though our main aim is to bring the bus station back into use, we would be remiss if we didn’t consider making changes which may be better for both the bus companies and the thousands of residents who use local buses.

“The bus station is a unique structure, bespoke for the town and putting it right again is not as simple as just appointing a contractor and getting on with it. This is not necessarily a case of replacing like with like but finding the best solutions and working with stakeholders to implement them.”