Southdown reunion

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Southdown memories to be shared at special event. NICK LARKIN

A reunion for former employees of legendary operator Southdown is taking place alongside a transport fayre on Saturday 23 February.

It will be chaired by Richard Alexander, who retired recently as Engineering Director of Stagecoach South but began his career as an apprentice at Southdown’s Portslade central Works in 1964. [wlm_nonmember][…]

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Former Brighton & Hove Bus and Coach Company Managing Director Roger French is also hoped to be among the guests.
The Shoreham Transport Fayre and Southdown Reunion will be taking place at Shoreham Community Centre from 1000hrs to 1600hrs.

Transport photos and other memorabilia will be on offer and it’s hoped to have at least one full-sized Southdown bus in attendance. Anyone with an interest in Southdown is welcome.

Stagecoach South Revenue Inspector and heritage bus operator Chris Pearce, spokesman for the event organisers and a former Southdown driver, said: “Southdown was a very special company and generates a lot of interest so we are hoping for a big turnout at this event. We would very much like to hear from anyone who was at Portslade Works.

“People tend to forget that it was the company’s equivalent of London Transport’s overhaul facility at Aldenham. It was vast.”

The reunion venue is within five minutes’ walk of Shoreham railway station and the Stagecoach 700 bus route.
