East Sussex-based coach operator L.J Edwards Coach Hire issued a statement statement via its social media channels on Thursday 5 January announcing the closure of the business. The firm said: “We are sorry to inform you that we have made the decision to close our business with immediate effect. We are working through cancelling all our short break and day trip bookings. We shall email/post your cancelled booking and card refund receipt(s). At the moment we are refunding all card payments directly through our booking system, payments made to us by cheque, voucher or cash will be looked at later.
“If you have other bookings with us, please be patient as we endeavour to work our way through all the bookings in order. We will try to do this as quickly as possible. We are sorry for any inconvenience or disappointment caused and would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your custom.”
Ancass Ltd, which traded as L.J Edwards Coach Hire, had authorisation to operate 12 vehicles from its depot in Polegate.