Swinging Sixties tours

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Groovy! Swinging Sixties tours of London are being operated using an AEC Routemaster with the service aimed at group tour organisers and destination management companies.

Music Heritage London is now running three tours with a sixties music theme. ANNA KUNST PHOTOGRAPHY

Music Heritage London’s (MHL) current scheduled service includes a one hour circular trip from the Victoria and Albert Museum taking in numerous locations in the King’s Road, the site of psychedelic boutique Granny Takes a Trip, Mary Quant’s boutique and the Royal Albert Hall, where the Beatles and Rolling Stones once played on the same bill. Music, ads and jingles supplied by legendary pirate station Radio Caroline play as the bus makes its journey [wlm_nonmember][…]

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There’s also a two-hour tour with many locations associated with Sixties music and fashion, and a visit to the Rock Shop museum. A third tour, of two hours pays tribute to the Rolling Stones and the Beatles in West London. Venues include the Crawdaddy Club where the two groups met, Eel Pie Island where many seminal bands played and Twickenham Studios, where the Beatles made their movies Help and A Hard Day’s Night.

MHL was launched in 2015 by musician Paul Endacott to, he says, “provide music lovers with an integrated and immersive experience by packaging and promoting London’s vast music history and by doing so, help perpetuate its legacy for future generations to enjoy! Much is mentioned about Liverpool’s music history, but so much has happened in West London.”

In 2015 MHL ran the scheduled 60s Shuttle Bus on a one hour loop between Richmond, Twickenham and Teddington connecting places of musical interest. “The tours have been very successful and now we’re able to provide the trip wherever there is demand,” he said. “We have a lot of joint ventures and collaborations with many of London’s iconic music venues and we are very keen to promote the service to tour organisers and destination managers. We can customise the package to their needs, be they parties, corporate days etc. Somewhere between 40 and 70 passengers would be perfect.”

Anyone interested should give Paul a call on 07753 617574 or email [email protected]

A tour from the Royal Albert Hall, open to everyone, is scheduled for Sunday 23 September. Log on to 60sbusandroyalalberthalltour.eventbrite.co.uk