Taking a jab and avoiding a virus

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Computer viruses are nothing new, but they are constantly evolving – so it’s crucial to keep your systems protected. Adam Bernstein offers 10 tips

While computer viruses have been around since 1982, it surprises most that the first attacked an Apple computer. Put together by a 15-year-old who was fuelled by interest, not malice, it was spread by floppy disk (remember them?) and was designed to be a simple prank. Moving to the present, viruses now infect all types of computer-based devices, but the majority are aimed at machines running Windows operating systems for one good reason – they are in the majority and offer more rewards for the criminally minded.

In recent years viruses and other forms of attack – trojans, phishing and so on – have wrought havoc. From keyloggers (which secretly record keystrokes) to ransomware such as CryptoLocker (which encrypts data and demands a ransom to decrypt), firms are at risk from what is collectively known as ‘malware.’

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