Target Travel vows to continue

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After having its licence revoked on grounds of financial standing, as reported in CBW1353, the Plymouth Herald reported that Target Travel have vowed to continue in the business.

Dealtop (Plymouth) Ltd, which trades as Target Travel, had been told by the TC for the West of England, Kevin Rooney that its O-licence will be revoked from October 28, 2018, on grounds of financial standing.

But the firm, which has re-applied for the five-year licence, has said it now has the cash reserve in place.

The company is confident it will receive the new licence before the current one expires and Chief Executive, Robert Risk insisted: “We have not got financial problems.”

Robert said the recent loss of nine of Plymouth City Council’s financially supported services to Stagecoach, following a tender process, had hit the firm.

He said it would mean the firm would lose 20 of its 70 workers when the services transfer over at the end of October.

But he added that the company was still able to carry on because it had other work including providing vehicles for school runs, private hire, and corporate work.