Alan Payling meets a retired coach operator who still wants to get out on the road behind the wheel, behind a microphone or, even better, to set sail into the wide blue yonder so he has even more tales to tell
They say you should never judge a book by its cover, that you should never form opinions about someone just based on what you see. And boy, when it comes to people who work in the coach trade is that true. It never ceases to surprise me what the people I meet in the industry have done with their lives. No more so than when I got chatting to Brian Knowles, now of Paignton. On the face of it, he’s an amiable and very likeable coach man of the old school. But get talking to him – and he sure can talk because he’s got an awful lot to talk about – then you will be regaled with stories that go back over half a century and half way round the world. In fact, they go round the world quite a few times, as did Brian in the early part of his career. […]
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