The ‘D’ Network

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Appropriately, blue skies graced the Etihad Stadium, where a steady stream of CPT members and their families arrived through the day. There was a heritage presence in the form of former Black Prince Optare Delta 73 (M73 WYG), owned and preserved by CPT National Operations Manager Gavin Miller. DAVID SHEPPARD

David Sheppard takes a drive before dinner at the Confederation of Passenger Transport’s Ride & Drive event in Manchester

Who could ever forget the first time they drove a bus?  At the age of five, my first brush with the ‘best seat in the house’ was certainly memorable. I was taken to London Buses’ Chiswick Works and hoisted into the cab of RM 1921, one of many Routemasters which ended its London life as a training bus on the skidpan, for the ultimate birthday treat. Perched on the knees of a Chiswick instructor who had the advantage of actually being able to reach the pedals, I was asked if I felt strong enough to turn the steering wheel. I’d assumed he meant while the bus was parked, but no…

I was reminded of my nervous excitement at Manchester’s Etihad Stadium on 8 March, when the Confederation of Passenger Transport invited members of the industry to bring along partners and families for the North region’s second ‘Mini’ Ride & Drive event. Although not the time or place for five year olds to have a quick go, there was something for just about everybody else. “The principle of the Ride & Drive is for our suppliers and manufacturers to bring along their latest vehicles as a showcase to CPT members,” explains Andrew McGuinness, Regional Manager for CPT in the North of England and organiser of the event. “The uniqueness of it is the ability to drive them around and get a feel for the latest developments in the market.”


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