Traffic Commissioner and O-licensing review

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The Department for Transport (DfT) has set up a website to ask for views about the work and role of the Traffic Commissioners and how operator licensing can be improved.

The DfT says that it is government policy to review all public bodies every three years to make sure that they’re still fit for purpose. “If you use the Traffic Commissioner system, we’d like to hear your views on how effective you find it and how it could be improved,” says the Department. Visit

The DfT also wants to hear views about possible changes to the regulations on operator licensing. Should paper operators’ discs be abolished and replaced with a digital only record, it asks? Visit

Should there be a single traffic area so operators with bases in more than one traffic area can have a single licence? Visit:

Should local input on licensing decisions be extended? Visit:

To give views on any other areas of operator licensing not covered above, visit:

A new operator licensing self-service system is under development that aims to make it easier for operators to manage licences online.

Any comments made on the pages listed above will be viewable by other people visiting the site. To comment in confidence, visit:

The website is expected to remain open until the end of January 2015.

The information provided may be used to help draft a formal consultation into changes to the law or regulations.