Training needs to keep pace with industry changes

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Lloyd Morgan Group has embraced online training courses since the pandemic.

Managing Director of Lloyd Morgan Group Pete Thompson considers the importance of training staff on new generation electric and hybrid vehicles

With the desire for the passenger transport industry to move towards net zero emissions there is a growing appetite for operators to bring in electric and hybrid vehicles into their fleets. Companies are investing time and money into ensuring they source the right type of electric vehicles to suit their business needs and requirements.

But how much time and money is spent on ensuring employees are trained to have the knowledge and skills required to work safely around these vehicles?

The Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) suggests not enough, as it has reported that there is a severe lack of electric vehicle (EV)-trained heavy vehicle technicians in the industry right now. Employers have a duty of care under the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 to ensure their employees are competent to work on electrical systems in electric and hybrid vehicles, and it’s not just vehicle technicians who require training on these high voltage vehicles; all employees who work around the vehicles or have close contact with them should also be made aware of the dangers.


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Companies need to consider appropriate training for their employees when introducing electric or hybrid vehicles into their fleets, and at all levels; from valeters, vehicle recovery staff and sales advisors to vehicle technicians and drivers. All employers have a duty of care towards their employees. Which is why we at Lloyd Morgan Group have now added to our portfolio of transport training courses a range of electric vehicle qualifications to ensure employees receive the correct levels of knowledge and skills to either work around electric and hybrid vehicles safely and or to maintain, service and repair them safely.

Another change to the industry has been around the expanded options in which companies can now access training for their employees. Covid-19 bought about a shift of how training could be delivered safely, and many courses were quickly adapted to online versions, where they could practically be carried out in such a manner. Although classroom training can and has now resumed, many in the industry have realised the advantages of online training, in saving businesses cost through less time spent out of the office, and reduced travel costs.

Becoming a Transport Manager and passing a CPC exam was historically a classroom training course and a classroom exam. But there are now other options to gain a transport manager qualification. The CPC exam has gone online and there are options for home study. Transport Manager CPC e-learning is now proving to be popular for many as the intensive studying can now be completed around busy work schedules and at a pace that suits.

Our own online e-learning platform provides access to industry-leading course material. It includes 30 interactive modules, core modular videos and downloadable resources. It also provides 1,200 multiple choice questions and 250 modular-specific case study examples. Students will be able to self-mark and cement their learning progress by interrogating marking schemes and identify incorrect answers selected. It offers key performance indicators (KPIs) on each student’s progression and modular certification to improve their development towards CPC success.

This e-learning product will strengthen the journey to becoming a transport manager through complimenting home study, but it can also be used as a great preparation and study tool for those pre, during and post classroom subject delivery. It can be used to assess a candidate’s knowledge prior to attending a classroom course or simply just to help aid the learning to passing the CPC exam.

We found that as the industry changed how it worked, and as people changed how they use their time, we were increasingly being asked for a home study solution to help with obtaining a Transport Manager CPC and our own online portal is a perfect platform in which to learn at your own speed and fit around your schedule. We have also found that the portal is also proving to be popular with those who have booked onto a full CPC classroom course to help aid them on their journey to becoming a transport manager.

As the industry changes at ever-increasing pace, then training will need to evolve to keep up with those changes and demands and to ensure those who work within the industry have the most relevant and up-to date skills to stay compliant, as well as to carry out their duties in a way which is safe for them and those around them.

We look forward to meeting everyone at Euro Bus Expo – please don’t hesitate to visit our stand to find out more about our training courses or any of the other wide range of transport compliance solutions that we can provide the passenger transport industry.
