Twilight time

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Delaine’s 1958 Yeates-bodied Leyland Tiger Cub ready for another journey. STEPHEN LONGMIRE

Traditional tungsten interior lights blazed as the Delaine Heritage Trust held its first Twilight Mini Heritage Running Day on Saturday 15 October.

The Delaine Bus Museum at Bourne was open from 1300-1930hrs, with the four oldest members of its heritage fleet providing bus rides every 20 minutes to Rippingale and Market Deeping.


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In service were KTL 780, a 1956 Willowbrook-bodied Leyland Titan PD2/20; MTL 750, a 1958 Yeates-bodied Leyland Tiger Cub; RCT 3, Delaine’s 1960 Yeates-bodied Leyland Titan PD3/1 and; (with neon lights!) ACT 540L (72), a 1973 Northern Counties bodied Leyland Atlantean AN68.

Delaine director Anthony Delaine-Smith commented: “The concept of running from daytime through twilight into darkness was well received and we were very pleased with how well the event was supported. You could feel the atmosphere growing as the light faded away and the tungsten lighting became more prominent. This autumn event will now become a fixture on our calendar in October, complimenting the main spring heritage running day held in April.”

There’s nothing like tungsten lighting to evoke atmosphere. STEPHEN LONGMIRE
The 1960 Yeates-bodied Leyland Titan PD3/1 at Rippingale. STEPHEN LONGMIRE