The Welsh Government has published its plans for a move towards a franchised, more unified transport system across Wales
The Welsh Government has published its plans for reform of bus services, which it says will see Transport for Wales held to account by the Welsh Government and local authorities for ensuring the design and development of a new franchised bus network which satisfies the objectives of its One Network, One Timetable, One Ticket goals. It says that a successful franchising system will enable it to build a network which best serves the population whilst meeting Wales’ modal shift and climate targets and that partnership with bus operators will deliver a thriving, innovative bus industry and provide efficient, reliable bus services.
In his foreword to the report, Welsh Deputy Minister for Climate Change Lee Waters MS says: “Bus journeys make up three quarters of journeys by public transport in Wales but bus does not receive three quarters of the funding. For too long, Welsh bus services have been neglected. Passenger numbers have been steadily falling for decades. 60% of people in Wales have not taken the bus in the last year.
“Some routes have been cut while others are oversubscribed. To improve the bus network, we have to end the deregulation of the bus sector. Under the franchise model we would be able to run bus routes that work for local communities. People could travel the length of Wales using one ticket. A single timetable could be efficiently aligned with other buses and the rail service. Any profits could be fed back into the bus network.
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