Alan Payling considers a report and other evidence that reveals that the generation of post-war baby boomers is still alive and kicking and reveals how coach tour operators can find them
Have you ever heard anyone in the coach trade say that their elderly customer base is dying out? Have you ever said something along those lines yourself? If so, then a recent report from the Resolution Foundation called ‘Ageing, fast and slow’ makes for very interesting reading indeed. In addition to addressing the above questions, the report also gives readers an idea how coach tour operators could more accurately identify their older target market in order to use their marketing budget more effectively. I don’t know if you take any interest in demographics. If you don’t, I’m not terribly surprised. I must admit that I would rather have spent an hour or so watching paint dry than to have read through the Resolution Foundation’s 60 page report that included statistical data relating to the UK’s population and particular groups within it. But the research findings contained in the report could be of great interest to coach tour operators.
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