Xelabus launches charity appeal

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15 members of staff in front of one of the company’s new vehicles. XELABUS

Xelabus will be marking its 15th birthday next year, and says it wants to give back something to not just one but 15 charities, one for each year it have been providing bus and coach services in its local area. The company has launched an appeal for nominations of local good causes, each of which will receive a £500 cheque towards its work, and says that since the first announcement it has already been overwhelmed with many, but adds that there is still time to nominate a good cause.

“We are looking at any charity however small whether a food bank, family support etc we want to hear from you,” the company said. “You have until 31 December to nominate your chosen charity and all you need to do is to email [email protected] and tell us in 50 words why your charity should be one of the 15 to receive the £500 donation. Next year we will be announcing those who will receive the support funding and each one will be invited to Xelabus to receive a cheque.”

The company says it is planning a number of events to celebrate its journey from nothing in 2010 to a business with 65 staff and 50 vehicles providing services for schools, colleges and hires across southern England.

Commercial Manager Phil Blair added: “We want as many people as possible to be included in our birthday celebrations and we are so proud to be a major employer in the area with high quality vehicles and services for our customers.”