145m passengers on PostBus

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The fleet of 2,238 Postbuses travelled 113m km on scheduled services in 2015. POSTBUS
The fleet of 2,238 Postbuses travelled 113m km on scheduled services in 2015. POSTBUS

PostBus Switzerland says it once again travelled more kilometres and transported significantly more passengers throughout 2015

SWITZERLAND Last year PostBus Switzerland transported 145m passengers (previous year: 141m) and across the country the number of routes it operated increased from 869 to 877. The fleet of 2,238 Postbuses travelled 113m km on scheduled services (previous year: 110m km).

During the course of 2015, the strongest growth in passenger numbers was recorded in Region Ticino (9% plus) due to the introduction of an urban network in the Bellinzona area in December 2014. PostBus also transported significantly more people in Central Switzerland (7% plus) with notable increases on the Sursee–Lake Sempach and Lucerne–Rotkreuz routes. The regions of Zurich and Western Switzerland saw the greatest alterations and expansions when the timetable changed on December 13, 2015. These will be reflected only in the figures for 2016.

As of the end of last year, PostBus employed 3,915 staff members (3,423 full-time equivalents). The company created 195 jobs in 2015.

PostBus says it’s developing from a leading bus company for public transport in Switzerland into a complete mobility provider that wants to accompany customers on their journey from start to finish with appropriate services. Examples of this are the regional mobility sharing network PubliRide and the testing of two self-driving shuttles scheduled for 2016.