
McGills chooses MiX Telematics

MiX Telematics, which supplies fleet and mobile asset management solutions, has announced that McGill’s Group has chosen to install its system across its fleet, including Xplore Dundee. The technology chosen encompasses MiX’s premium Fleet Manager […]

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Bus News

Transdev orders 39 Ebusco 3.0s

NETHERLANDS Next year Ebusco will supply its first fully-composite electric buses in the Netherlands. Transdev Nederland has ordered 39 Ebusco 3.0 buses for city and intercity routes in the Gooi and Vecht region. Scheduled to […]

Bus News

Iveco secures more Paris orders

FRANCE Parisian transport authority Île-de-France Mobilités and the city’s transport operator RATP have awarded a tender to Iveco Bus for the supply of its 12-metre E-Way battery-electric buses. The order is for for 180 buses, […]


Panthers on the prowl

                  Plaxton’s Panther remains a popular choice. Jonathan Welch looks takes a brief look at the model range, and takes a new 12.8-metre version for a drive


Coast to Coast

In September, participants will hit the roads to help raise funds for Transaid’s training and development programme in Africa. Three participants from the coach and bus sector speak about why they chose to get involved