In the wake of positive notes about post-pandemic recovery, Alan Payling reports on how the coach trade is performing on the English Riviera. He reveals that while coach numbers are almost back to normal, all that glittering paintwork on the impressive coaches that visit Torbay may not be making anyone much gold.
Well, looking at things on the ground in Torbay and the surrounding area, the coach holiday trade in South Devon appears to be doing OK(ish) – in the circumstances. I base this initial statement on the evidence of how many touring coaches we are seeing parked up in the local hotels and coach parks and is based on the number of coaches that receive the Coach Drivers Information Pack. I circulate the pack late Monday afternoon and early evening to coaches that have arrived in the town for a five day Monday to Friday tour. So, as they say in the Dragon’s Den, let’s have a look at some numbers that illustrate, in part, how things are shaping up.
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