Keeping a tab on coach and bus fleets throughout the UK can take a lot of effort, but not any more. Richard Sharman takes a look at a product that has seen further development during the pandemic that is a must have for any operator, dealer or enthusiast, and which has over 800,000 vehicles on its database
If you are looking for coach or bus fleet information in the UK and Ireland, or beyond, there are many sources where you can find details, however this normally involves searching multiple websites or buying fleet books and so on. What if I told you that you could find all of that information in one place, with a simple input of a registration or company name?
This was Roger Storr’s goal when he started creating Busview in 1985, to document all known passenger carrying vehicles (PCVs). He advertised in enthusiast publications, and before household computers became more commonplace, people would write to him requesting the fleet list they required, and he would send it out to them. As time moved on and computers became more widely available he copied the fleet information onto CD and sent them out; at that point you could buy an annual version or monthly updates to keep your own records updated. Again, as technology moved on he was able to email these updates to people.
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