Help needed for Ukraine bus appeal

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Craig George, Bus Services Manager at South West-based OTS, is seeking offers of help and support for a project to deliver two buses to Ukraine to help deal with the effects of the war there. “A major bus group is in the final throes of donating two 2005/6 single-deck low-floor buses to the cause, and I’m very lucky to have some incredible contacts in the UK and Ukraine who have adopted this project. We are now working as a co-operative to deliver them; one to a large fire-fighting team in Zhytomyr and the second to a volunteer medic group working deep in Ukraine, both of which have made requests for such vehicles to help them deliver their work of mitigating the impact of war on Ukrainian people,” explained Craig.

“Getting these buses there will be the expensive part. With a date hovering around mid-August for our departure, I am seeking all the help I can get to raise up to £4000 to cover the costs of making this happen. The drivers will be volunteers; our costs are mainly fuel, ferries and the odd hotel for obligatory overnight driver rest periods. Whilst I’ll be working hard to drive those costs down as much as possible, I’m shamelessly on the beg for individual and corporate support in delivering these buses to deserving and legitimate heroic forces in Ukraine. Any help, particularly financial at this stage would be welcome.”

Anyone who can help is encouraged to contact Craig either directly or via the CBW office.