GERMANY The first of the new generation Mercedes-Benz Citaros has been delivered to Lücke-Reisen. It was handed on 19 September by Konstantinos Tsiknas, head of sales for Mercedes-Benz Buses and Coaches in Germany, to managing directors Anne and Uwe Lücke. Lücke-Reisen is based in Nordkirchen, Germany.
The new Citaro features environmentally-friendly BlueTec diesel technology and is powered by a Euro 5 six-cylinder turbocharged OM 906 hLA engine with a capacity of 6.37 litres. It develops 286bhp (210 kW) and delivers a massive torque output of 1200Nm.
Bus and coach operator Lücke- Reisen was founded in 1966 by Otto Lücke and is now managed by the second generation of the family, Uwe and Anne Lücke. The firm’s fleet comprises around 60 Mercedes-Benz vehicles, including coaches. Lücke-Reisen’s services range from school trips and club outings to coach tours throughout Germany and Europe. The family business also runs local bus services for public transport authorities, including Regionalverkehr Münsterland (RVM) and Verkehrsgesellschaft Kreis Unna (VKU) as well as for the charity Caritasverband Kreis Coesfeld. The new Citaro will operate alongside nine earlier generation Citaros.