D&G Bus along with existing shareholder Julian Peddle, has purchased the remaining shares of Martin Bott and David Stewart of Green Triangle Buses Ltd trading as South Lancs Travel. The deal was completed on Friday (September 30).
David Reeves, MD of D&G Bus, and the new MD of South Lancs Travel (SLT), said: “South Lancs Travel has a fine pedigree and some excellent core work, along with a modern fleet. Many of their staff have been with the company for a number of years, and I am looking forward to getting to know them and working with them.”
Martin Bott and David Stewart will remain with the SLT in a consultancy role to help with the business going forward, as will Alan Scoles the traffic manager and Keith Marshall the fleet engineer. D&G plan to make few or no initial changes. Dave Reeves’ said he intends to “get to know the business, before we do anything.”
Martin Bott and David Stewart established Green Triangle in 1998 starting with four buses. Since that time they have grown the business to a 48 vehicle operation, with over 100 staff. Martin said: “D&G’s offer gives us the opportunity to do other things with our lives, I with my bookshop and Dave with his golf.”
Dave Stewart commented: “We will not have the pressure of control, but will have the benefit of still being involved within a business and industry that has formed a large part of our lives for so long.”