CTA relaunches journal

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The Community Transport Association (CTA) has redesigned its journal in an effort to make it a bolder, clearer and more engaging publication.

The new look journal has been given a new name: Together, the Journal of the Community Transport Association.

Last year the organisation launched a new mission and vision as a framework for how it intended to support the community transport sector over the next four years. As part of its work to bring its communications in line with this, it decided to renew the look for the CTA Journal.

A CTA spokesman said: “The name represents what is at the heart of our sector: the fact that community transport is about bringing people together.

“It’s about communities all over the UK standing up and working tirelessly to make sure that no one is denied access to the transport they need because of their circumstances.

“It also represents the fact that at the CTA we are about bringing people together to work towards this common goal. Whether this is partnering with commercial organisations to create new opportunities for community transport, working with our members to contribute to consultations and inform policy, or telling the stories of the life changing work that our members do.”