Lottery winner steps in to provide vehicles for Dundee charity

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A Euromillions lottery winner Gillian Bayford has donated a minibus and van to a disability group in Dundee which had its vehicles set on fire, the Dundee Evening Telegraph reported.

The Inclusion Group was left without transport after its wheelchair-accessible van and car, which were parked outside the group’s offices in Meadowside Lane, were set on fire in November 2017. The group had taken years to fundraise for the vehicles, which were used to pick up and drop off service users at events and activities.

On reading about the group’s plight, Gillian — the winner of a £148m jackpot — decided to help, gifting them a new VW Crafter minibus and a VW Caddy van. Both are wheelchair-accessible and can transport more users than the old vehicles. They were delivered shortly before Christmas.

Inclusion Group Manager, Fiona Flynn, said: “When I heard Gillian was going to kindly give us two new vehicles, I was over the moon. It’s just fabulous — an amazing early Christmas present. We’re having a Christmas disco and we’ll now be able to take people home after it.”