Scotland’s youngest driver

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Cara McGregor joined First Aberdeen as the youngest female driver in Scotland, whilst mum Lisa also works for the firm as a driver trainer

At just 18 years of age, Cara McGregor is amongst the youngest bus drivers in the UK. Jonathan Welch met up with her at the start of a shift to find out how she is getting on after her first few months behind the wheel

In March this year, Cara McGregor became the youngest bus driver in Scotland, passing her PCV test with FIrst Aberdeen at just 18 years old. “I’d thought about it before,” said Cara, “but I didn’t think I’d be able to do it. I only passed my car test a year ago, but my old job didn’t suit me career-wise, and the money wasn’t great. I wanted something with prospects, but that would still leave me a social life.” Having started working in retail at 16, Cara started to find the daily routine becoming boring, with the same things happening day after day. “I started on £3.50 an hour when I was 16; that went up to just over £7 when I turned 18, which is not much. And now that so many people shop online, it could be very quiet. Your day goes really slowly. Now I’m much busier, there’s always something happening. It’s much better, and the money is good too for a young person.”

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