Alan Payling considers what Ryanair’s boss has been saying about the package holiday model being ‘screwed,’ and wonders how the coach trade can receive the sort of publicity Michael O’Leary attracts
I’ve been reading what Mr. Michael O’Leary, the boss of Ryanair has been saying to the press following the collapse of Thomas Cook. You’ve probably seen what he had to say. After all, it was all over the papers. But before I look at part of what he said, I would draw your attention first of all not to the message, but to the messenger himself.
You may have noticed that when Mr. O’Leary has something to say, the press are all over him like a rash. When I see him in the headlines talking about his business, it just makes me wonder what it would be like if the coach trade had someone like Mr. O’Leary to speak up for our industry and attract the attention that the Ryanair boss receives. I know, I know, I know exactly what you’re thinking. We’re better than that. Couldn’t agree more. After all, who would want to travel with a company with such an abrasive and pugnacious individual running it…
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