Bedford banned from New Zealand

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Bedford SBG for sale in Britain after New Zealand authorities failed to licence it for passenger carrying.
Bedford SBG for sale in Britain after New Zealand authorities failed to licence it for passenger carrying. AH COMMERCIALS

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An operator who bought a Duple-bodied Bedford SBG coach in Britain to use on tour work in New Zealand has decided not to import the vehicle as the Kiwi authorities have banned its use.

Brent Cooper paid out major cash on the vehicle’s restoration, including an interior transformation at Eastgate Coach Trimmers of Pickering. Peterborough, Cambridgeshire-based AH Commercials also carried out some work and has now been asked to sell the vehicle.

“This Bedford is in excellent condition and has a lot of work done on it,” said AH Commercials Managing Director Tony Head. “Obviously the owner is sad that the authorities have decreed that it can’t be used in New Zealand after all his efforts, but he feels it’s best to sell the coach in Britain. He has asked us to handle the sale on his behalf.”

New to Hills of Stockingford, Warwickshire, in 1955, the coach has also been owned by Skills of Nottingham. It has been re-registered 748UYL, but the original TUE132 registration should be available from the DVLA. The current asking price for the petrol-engined 37-seater is £64,750 plus VAT, but offers will definitely be considered. It remains in the Peterborough area.

  • Anyone interested should call Tony Head on 07885 913881.