Bouden Coach Travel provides free travel for breast cancer charity

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Earlier in the year, the Ladies Fighting Breast Cancer charity commenced a project which led them to a Britain’s Got Talent audition.

Bouden Coach Travel
The women got together to sing their hearts out

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The charity is made up of women who are currently fighting breast cancer, supported by their family and friends. The women had not sung in public prior to the audition.

Birmingham-based Bouden Coach Travel got involved through its sponsorship of the charity and also provided one of its VDL Futura coaches free of charge, to ensure the women from the charity arrived at their audition.

The Ladies Fighting Breast Cancer Choir was formed by the charity very recently. “We started doing it as a kind of therapy, a way of taking the patients’ minds off the horrible illness they are suffering from, and fighting to overcome,” said Veronica Kumeta, the Founder and Chief Executive of Ladies Fighting Breast Cancer.

Monisha Chauhan from Bouden Coach Travel said: “The choir performed amazingly on the night, receiving a standing ovation, and four yeses from the judges who were thrilled with the performance. They are such a lovely group of women and being a part of this project has been an uplifting experience.”
