The search for the UK’s top bus driver has begun with the invitation for operators to participate in the National Final of the annual Bus Driver of the Year (BDoY) competition in Blackpool this September. And as preparations start for this year’s competition, the organisers are welcoming two new members to the team behind the Blackpool-based event.
Traffic Commissioner for the North West of England Gerallt Evans has joined the team, whilst First Cymru Recruitment and Training Manager Amanda Thompson becomes a director, replacing stalwart Bryan Constable who steps down after more than 35 years service, latterly as Vice President.
Gerallt said that the Traffic Commissioners are pleased to be able to recognise and celebrate the good practice of Britain’s bus drivers, who provide a vital service for a significant part of the population but often seem overlooked. “These awards showcase the important role they play,” he added.
BDoY Chairman Joe Mackie encouraged operators and drivers to take part again in 2023: “The National Final enables drivers to display their skills while affording them the chance to win valuable prizes and claim the accolade of “UK Bus Driver of the Year,” he said.
Last year’s winner, Michael Evans of Stagecoach South Wales, said of his win: “As a first-time competitor at BDoY, I didn’t know what to expect, but what an experience it has been. The atmosphere around the hotel was electric all weekend with a buzz of excitement from the gathering of like-minded people, sharing tales from behind the wheel and life in the bus lane.”
Entry for the BDoY national final is now open, and bus operators are invited to apply online. At this stage, companies need only decide the number of drivers they wish to enter and will be asked to pay the entry fee, BDoY explains; they will then receive an information pack to enable them to proceed with the selection of their best drivers.
After some initial uncertainty but having recovered strongly in 2022 after the hiatus caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, BDoY says that high demand for the limited places in the National Final is anticipated and urges companies not to delay in submitting applications, which must be received no later than mid-May. BDoY seeks to reward full-time drivers who exercise their skills throughout the year, and the organisers re-iterate that it is therefore a requirement that a driver works at least three full shifts per week to qualify for entry to the competition.
The National Final will take place in Blackpool on the weekend of 2-3 September, based again at its new home, the Imperial Hotel.