NCT announces winner for its ‘Driver of the Year’
The UK’s Bus Operator of the Year, Nottingham City Transport, has announced the winner of its annual ‘Driver of the Year’ award for 2012.
The UK’s Bus Operator of the Year, Nottingham City Transport, has announced the winner of its annual ‘Driver of the Year’ award for 2012.
A driver for Wiltshire-based operator Faresaver was arrested after police received reports from a passer-by that the male driver of the 1440hrs X34 journey from Frome to Chippenham was swigging from a can of lager […]
A Windsor bus driver who has served for more than 45 years has had his dedication rewarded.
Drivers and staff from Stagecoach Manchester’s Ashton Depot have donated £1,500 to local hospice, Willow Wood in Ashton-under- Lyne, after a year of fundraising.
East of England Ambulance Service praises Go-Ahead driver for taking the initiative and using his double-decker to take his son to hospital A konectbus driver took his epileptic two-year-old son to hospital in his bus […]
New research by Shell suggests 76% of drivers are not selecting an economic fuel and are missing out on a range of other techniques for reducing fuel consumption.
The trent barton driver put his life ahead of his passengers by ordering them to safety A trent barton driver has been praised for his actions after a man was spotted holding a gun in […]
Conditions of employment suffer as Isle of Man attempts to save £300k Bus drivers in the Isle of Man have been told they need to reapply for their jobs.
Stagecoach Midlands driver Steve Rooks handed a cheque for £700 to Action Medical Research after competing in a sponsored half marathon.
Jonathan Welch has been crowned First Aberdeen’s Bus Driver of the Year. He finished 22nd in UK BDoY. Jonathan, 29, began driving for First Aberdeen in 2005. “I’m incredibly proud to be First Aberdeen’s bus […]
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