
Reinventing Maynes

Kevin Mayne, Operations Director at Maynes Coaches, has been involved with the family firm since the age of eight. Angela Youngman caught up with him to learn about Maynes’ current strategy

Coach Driver Profile

Year in the life

Alan Payling speaks to a one-vehicle family coach operator to find out what they got up to in 2018 and see where they are going in 2019 – and discovers that one member of the […]


Coachbuilding the future

South East Coachworks has grown and diversified hugely since it was started in 2003, spawning a number of subsidiary companies. But, as Director Chris Bichard explained to Peter Jackson, it hasn’t lost sight of its […]

Catering for Coaches

Blackpool: See the light

Blackpool realises the importance of coaches to its local economy and has implemented a number of measures to bolster its offering to visiting coach parties. Angela Youngman investigates what the seaside town has to offer


There are things we know…

When it comes to preparing for the year ahead, it’s important for coach operators to know where they stand in terms of group rates. As coach tourism specialist Stuart Render says, some visitor attractions miss […]