Bus driver thanked for saving passenger’s life
A Yellow Buses driver, Sue Levell, has been thanked by a passenger after she saved his life when he suffered a mini-stroke. Sue, who applied ‘text book first aid’ to the passenger, was awarded with […]
A Yellow Buses driver, Sue Levell, has been thanked by a passenger after she saved his life when he suffered a mini-stroke. Sue, who applied ‘text book first aid’ to the passenger, was awarded with […]
National Express is offering aspiring artists the opportunity to exhibit their works of art on the side of one of the operator’s 14-metre-long coaches. Artists can enter the ‘Driving Design’ competition, which is open to […]
A 39-year- old bus worker from Stagecoach in Worthing stole over £30k from the company, wearing a gorilla mask and his high-vis Stagecoach jacket. Vernon McLellan had disabled the CCTV cameras and proceeded to steal […]
Lothian Buses has introduced new ADL Enviro400XLB Euro VI vehicles, and along with them screens displaying the latest tweets from its official Twitter account ‘@on lothianbuses.’
The Autism Together charity and Stagecoach have launched a bespoke bus in a bid to help raise money for the Wirral-based charity’s Future 50 Appeal. The bus was donated by Stagecoach Merseyside, Cheshire and South […]
In its ongoing partnership with the Marine Conservation Society, Arriva is taking part in a string of organised beach cleans. On Monday 15 April, volunteers from Arriva’s Liverpool head office helped to collect 241kg of […]
Philan and Aaron Tokarz from Rockford, Illinois fancied a change from fast paced life, when they decided to give up their creature comforts, and convert an old school bus into a family home for them […]
Xplore Dundee recently partnered up with Green Health Partnership to put together a plan of Dundee which incorporates bus routes and green space, to promote outdoor exploration and immersion in nature.
LondonIsOpen, a four-day tour of the capital, was recently launched by Sadiq Khan to provide guidance and information to European Nationals who plan to remain in London post-Brexit. The bus, branded with ‘We Are All […]
Bus driver Paul Macleod became a community hero after saving the life of a passenger who had collapsed on his bus. As a result Paul has been nominated for the Scottish Transport awards which will […]
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