Man trapped in Newhaven depot after falling asleep on a bus
Arran Lawson, a young man from Seaford, fell asleep on a late bus home, and ended up trapped in Newhaven depot in ‘pitch darkness.’
Arran Lawson, a young man from Seaford, fell asleep on a late bus home, and ended up trapped in Newhaven depot in ‘pitch darkness.’
David Tiley from Swansea has appealed to volunteers to help him transform a double-decker bus into a homeless shelter for people living on the streets in Wales. Since his appeal, electricians, cleaners, and carpenters to […]
A psychologist who was fined for driving through a bus gate recently won her appeal when she expressed that the gate had ‘too many signs for the brain to process.’ Dr Bernadine King, who is […]
Stagecoach West Scotland HQ recently calculated that a passenger had travelled around 70 miles a day across North, South and East Ayrshire. On one day the passenger even travelled by bus 20 times. Stagecoach uncovered […]
Success4All, a Newcastle-based children’s charity raised £55,000 in one month for a learning bus project; the first of its kind in the UK. The project caught the eye of Channel 4’s ‘George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces,’ […]
As part of its 125th anniversary celebrations, the Grand Theatre has supplied 125 copies of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet to 25 Blackpool Transport buses. The paperbacks are there for passengers to read, and the Blackpool […]
Elaine Hart, who relies on Yellow Buses for transport, was surprised with a double-decker birthday bus.
We recently announced the two winners of the CBW Christmas competitions – a festive word search and crossword. Phil Langdon from Shrewsbury won the word search and Rodney Tew from Northgate, Towcester won the crossword. […]
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