Lucketts Travel receives 800th Volvo B9R Coach
The 800th production version of the Volvo B9R coach has been delivered to Hampshire based Lucketts Travel as part of a larger order for four new vehicles.
The 800th production version of the Volvo B9R coach has been delivered to Hampshire based Lucketts Travel as part of a larger order for four new vehicles.
Rennies of Dunfermline has launched of two Volvo B9R Plaxton Elites which are now operating as part of its fleet. The 65-seaters, originally owned by Corporate Coaches in Ireland, were purchased from Plaxtons and feature […]
Southampton-based Coliseum Coaches has received CoachMarque accreditation from the Confederation of Passenger Transport (CPT). CoachMarque is a widely recognised ‘kite mark’ for quality in the coach industry. Coliseum received the award after undergoing an audit […]
John’s Tours proprietor retires after over half a century as a PCV driver From the January 1, 2014, Beestons (Hadleigh) Limited has taken over the established coach business of John’s Tours of Stowmarket, Suffolk. John’s […]
School children across a slice of England and Wales were reminded of the importance of wearing a seat belt last week, with the help of some characters from the animation The Croods – a specially […]
Members of the Mid Anglia Coach Operators Association (MACOA) visited the extensive Van Hool factory in Lier, Belgium on December 3.
Firm is once again allowed to offer Ferry services Eurotunnel will be allowed to continue offering ferry services from Dover after a ban by the UK Competition Commission was overturned on appeal.
WTS & Just Coach Drivers has made some important changes to the company.
A newly launched coach commuter service is in the running for a top sustainable transport award.
Optimism as Group reports bookings for 2014 currently over 10% ahead of the same time last year Shearings has announced it is continuing to invest significantly in its coach fleet and hotel portfolio on the […]
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