Coaches are welcome at the National Botanic Garden of Wales – the attraction has told CBW.
The venue, which is located midway between Cross Hands and Carmarthen, is offering coach companies, tour operators and groups a special discounted group rate of £5 per person (the usual group rate being £7.50 per person) for all of April and May in 2016.
All coach drivers receive free entry, a main meal voucher valued at £8.75 and a £2 gift voucher which can be spent in the gift shop or plant sales on the day. Drivers and operators can also enjoy free parking in the 18-bay coach facility, which is conveniently located just two minutes from the main A48/M4.
Special events lined up for April and May include a Giant Antiques Fair (April 2-3); Rolls’ Royce Owners Club visit (April 16); the Tenovus Cancer Care Charity 10k run (April 17); May Day Bank Holiday Weekend fun and games (April 30-May 2); the National Botanic Garden of Wales Annual Plant Sale (May 13-14); and Spring Bank Holiday family fun (May 28-30).
To make a booking, phone 01558 667149 or email [email protected]. Visit www.gardenofwales.org.uk.